- 基本は一般ウォールに投稿します。 : チェックする
Part of the Facebook AUP states that applications cannot post on Facebook without specifically requesting permission from the end user. So by default this option is disabled. If you don't set this then you will have to choose to publish each post individually.
- 基本は一般ページに投稿します。 : チェックする
Here for the same reason as the Publish Post but this is separate because many users don't want pages to publish by default.
- 変更しない限り、次のユーザーとしてFacebookに公開されます。:ひろ吉(※自分以外の投稿を想定していないため)
This option allows the blog administrator to choose which Facebook account posts should be sentto. The drop down list will contain a list of all users of the blog who have associated their Facebook account with their WordPress userid. It also contains a special option which is “Current Logged in user”. If this option is set then unless a user overrides the setting the posts will be sent to the Facebook account associated with the user making the post.
- Wordbookerユーザー以外からの投稿 : チェックしない(※自分以外の投稿を想定していないため)
This option basically means that when users on your blog who are not Wordbooker users post/edit an entry on your blog then Wordbooker will behave as if the post is being written by the user selected in the “target” user option (as long as it is not “current logged in user”).
- Wordbookerユーザーでなくても投稿を公開する記事を選べれるようにします。 : チェックしない(※自分以外の投稿を想定していないため)
This option is only used when the above option is enabled. It allows non Wordbooker users when they are adding/editing a post to choose if the post should be sent to Facebook or not. They do not have the ability to change any of the publishing options.
- 表示される文字数 : 256(標準)
This allows you to set how long the extract that will be posted to Facebook should be.
- 以下の文言を投稿します。 : ブログを更新しました。(※基本的には投稿時に上書きする予定)
When the extract is posted to Facebook you can put a small amount of text above the post. This defaults to “Posted a new post on their blog” but you can put anything in here. You can also use some special “tags” for specific abbreviations ( See Section 7 for details on Wordbooker “tags”)
Wordbooker allows you to use several short codes in the Post Attribute and Facebook Status text lines.
The codes are as follows:
Tag Code Expands to
%author% Author's nice name *
%first% Author's first name
%last% Author's last name
%nick% Authors' nick name
%title% Post Title
%link% Post Permalink
%date% Post Date (formatted to blog settings) *
%time% Post Time (formatted to blog settings) *
%wpurl% The “WordPress address (URL)” as specified on your blog's general settings page.
%burl% The "Blog address (URL)" as specified on your blog's general settings page.
%content% The content of the comment **
%tag% The contents of the Comment Tag Field. *** These Tags are also available in the Comment Block formatting field
** These Tags are only available in the Comment Block formatting field
- Use Post Excerpt as Post Attribute : チェックしない(※マニュアルにはなかったけど、ブログの本文が投稿の本文に使われちゃうんだと思う。)
- Facebookの状況には次の文言を掲載します。 : %title%-%link%(※ブログのタイトルを文章にする想定)
If you choose to only post a Facebook Status Update (See Section x ) . This field allows you to define the structure of that link. You can use raw text and “tags” in his field. ( See Section 7 for details on Wordbooker “tags”)
- 設定するリンクオプション: すべての記事を読む
Each post on your Facebook wall contains three “Action links”. Two are set by Facebook and are “Comment” and “Like”. This option allows you to specify what the third action link should be. You can select from having No third link, “Read More” or a “Share” link. The share link basically uses the built in Share functionality of Facebook which you've probably seen on a lot of other websites.
- 共有リンクの拡張説明を有効にする : チェックする(※恐らく必要ないけど、意味がよくわからない。)
If you don't have an SEO system that populates the META CONTENT field, or you are not using the post Extract field when you are creating posts then you will probably want to select this option. This creates a short extract of your post to populate the Share link dialogue box.
- 詳細メタタグの長さ :350(デフォルト)
This option allows you to control the length of the Meta Description tag which Wordbooker inserts into the head of your blog page. If you are using SEO related plugins you can chose the Disable option which stops Wordbooker from putting the tag out and thus avoiding duplicate meta tags.
- ブログの中に「いいね!」ボタンを付けます。 : チェックする
Facebook now supports as part of their “Social Graph” the ability for people to “like” things outside Facebook. If you enable this option then a neat little Facebook like button is displayed with each post with some stats about how many people “like” that post. If you want this feature then enable this option. If you don't want it then leave it unchecked. If this option is not enabled then the “Recent Facebook Activity” section of the options page is also hidden.
- 「いいね!」ボタンをトップページにつける : チェックしない(※見栄えが悪くなるため)
- 「いいね!」ボタンをカテゴリーページにつける : チェックしない(※カテゴリーの運用をしていないため)
- 「いいね!」ボタンを固定ページにつける : チェックしない(※固定ページの運用をしていないため)
- 「いいね!」ボタンをすべての投稿ページにつける : チェックする
- 固定表示の場合、「いいね!」「送信」ボタンを表示しない。 : チェックしない(※固定表示しないため)
- 「いいね!」ボタンの幅 : 480
This controls the width of the box used to “host” the Facebook Like button. You can adjust this so that the box doesn't cause the Share button to be forced onto the next line but at the same time allow enough space in the box for the Like Button text returned from Facebook
- 「いいね!」ボタン表示 : 投稿の上部
This option controls where the Like button is displayed – It can be Above the Post, Below the post or specified either by using a smart tag in the post or placed in the theme template.
- 「いいね!」ボタン位置 : 右サイド
- 「いいね!」ボタン文言 : Like
- 「いいね!」ボタンカラー : Light
- 「いいね!」ボタンフォント : Arial
- 「いいね!」ボタンレイアウトスタイル :Button Count
- 「いいね!」ボタンの顔表示(レイアウトでStandardを選んだ場合のみ) : いいえ
- 「いいね!」と「送信」の同時表示 : はい
As part of their long term plan to phase out the Facebook Share Facebook introduced the “Send” option. This was partially in response to people complaining that Facebook Like lacked privacy – that people didn't want all their friends to know that they liked something. The Send option allows you to choose who basically get notified that you like something. Facebook usually try to associate the Send button with the Like button but this option allows you to separate it.
- 「送信」ボタンの表示場所 : はい
- Gravtarsをフェイスブック写真と入れ替えないでください。 : チェックしない(※Facebookからの取り込みをしない前提なので)
By default Wordbooker will, if it finds a Facebook URL associated with a comment, replace the user gravatar with the facebook photo associated with the user who posted the comment. If you don't want this feature then you need to enable this option.